Today, when the girls went out, they met the new guy's group, and was great fun. Casually Cindy met one of the guys a long time ago. It seem that there will make couples. Let's see: Allan (a blonde smiley boy)with Geraldine, Edmund (a Panamanian dark-haired guy)with Stelle, Ralph(the most gorgeous of the group;brown hair and blue eyes)with Cindy, Ricky, who likes Esther and is latin too, but she likes Troy, in love with his girlfriend. The ones already dating are Heather and Chuck(the typical cocky guy)
They all met on Sunday and went to the park, they are very nice. Esther is talking every time with Troy, although maybe that's worst. So there, they were: Stelle, Heather, Rossie, Cindy, Esther, Allan, Edmund and Troy, who get confused to Esther, he's so liberal and cute!When the day finished Troy told her that he doesn't have a girlfriend. What!?
Stelle was very happy, because Edmund was very nice, driving her home. Esther went home with the rest of the guys, she was so glad that they've found a good group of guys. At least they are decents. That's all that she writes in her diary lying on her bed, listening her favourite dance music when has arrived home
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