Monday, October 15, 2012

41. When you get back

A new course begin. Esther is very keen to meet their new classmates, with some changes please!!! The best part:Becky is not in her classes: yehaaa!!! The worst part is the people who there are: Hank, J.M., Aaron, Rud, Imogen, Maisie and Wendy. So, not a lot of changes in the end. At least the first day of school was all about jokes, and...a new boy, really cute, called Adam, who unfortunately is friend of Rud, is he out of his mind???Thanks to God that is Stelle next to Esther's classroom. When the school time finished, while Esther was going home with Susan, she met Becky who was mad at her because she's dating Austin. There's a concert in the afternoon and the girls met in the park. It was not a lot of alcohol, but Esther felt a bit drunk, and she was very cheerful. The rest of the girls thought that she was lying, but she didn't care, and spent all the time talking with groups of boys(actually that was not usual in her). Later Cheek's friends showed up and talked all together. There was one guy, Gilles, who was really fun and Esther enjoyed with him. There were also 'the guys',who told the girls gossips of Troy.

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