Tuesday, February 26, 2013

43. What is coming

Esther is afraid that this course is gon'na be very entertaining, the reason is that she can't avoid glance at Adam, how hot is he!Between Imogen and her, they're going to wear the guys out. Even Esther is having more fun with her. Actually Imogen is really funny, although she leads Esther astray; they're playing truants almost every day, smoking everything, and passed all the time in the Sylvan, with Gordon and Wayne, well, looking at them. Sometimes Esther thinks they seem kind of silly. Today is Friday, and they've met with Stelle, doing the same things in her premises, the news are that, when the girls went to buy some snacks, found out a table football which somebody wanted to throw it out, but is great to decorate their place!!That was fun, people around looking at them awkwardly, hahaha. Afterwards Ge'ne showed up and got amazed with all that, who not? But there, they were, gossiping,and lamenting of their sad love life, so a new plan to hunt some guys on Saturday.

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