Monday, June 15, 2015


Today, at class Adam was teasing Esther incessantly, so she got mad at him, even Rud was on her part, that was weird though, he speaking to her and being kind, more than Imogen. Thanks to God that the rest of the class are also nice. Rud's said that Adam has not a girlfriend, another joke... And with all kind of silly conversations, Esther has been telling off again. This is so not fair, always it's me, this geography teacher has something against her, so that's when Esther replied to her in an angry voice and very seriously, that it was not her fault and the only one talking. All the classrooms were quiet. After all that they were cheering her up. “Yeah, they seem to be friends, but they never get involved when they know it's all about them”. She played truants with Wendy and went home. So, there they were, again, eating snacks, playing cards, talking, smoking...That's a real friend. Later Imogen showed up, messing Esther to go with her somewhere else, besides after that she had to go back home alone. And no thanks or anything, why is she like that? Lately Esther is sillier than usually, she wishes Imogen could be more like Wendy, more normal...

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